September has been a big month for me, Brynlee is starting all of the things a BIG girl would start! She is going to dance and has started preschool! Not to mention on the 30th she turns 3! It seems like it was just yesterday she needed me for everything.... now all of a sudden, she is miss independent. Where did the time go? I use to be the coolest person ever but now I compete with Miss Lisa, and Miss Valerie! (her teachers) She loves dance and never stops! Any time there is music on her body just starts moving! Preschool seems to be working wonders, she loves to talk about the Letter of the Week! She so far has done A, B, C.... She tells me many things that start with each of those letters! And we are working hard on learning the sounds that go with each of them.

Although it is sad to see her go from being my Baby Girl, to my Little Princess, I look forward to this new time and will embrace every moment of it.... Even the sassy attitude!